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About Us

Healthy Schools

Here at Aldersbrook we strongly believe that a child’s mental and physical health is vital to them becoming a successful learner. Click on the links to learn more about how we support our children to develop their mental and physical health.



Healthy Early Years London

We have achieved a Bronze Award for Healthy Early Years London. This demonstrates our dedication and focus on supporting and developing our pupil’s physical, social and emotional wellbeing in our Nursery.  For further information please visit their website

Below is a list of websites that you may find useful if searching for further support regarding your or your child’s health.



Mental Health & Wellbeing 

We have a school-wide approach to mental health. We teach about mental health similarly to physical health. We strongly encourage children to talk about their feelings and techniques to do this are taught during lessons. We share discussions and teach techniques on how to look after your wellbeing such as breathing exercises and having a growth mind-set. We have yoga classes for some year groups and a school counsellor on site two days a week.

We also strongly value our staff and our wider community’s mental health. We have a dedicated mental health team who work on improving the understanding of mental health and promoting positive wellbeing behaviours. We have a weekly staff yoga club, approachable senior leaders and our school counsellor is also available for staff.


We recommend looking at this leaflet if you would like advice on talking about mental health with your children.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families – You’re never too young to talk about mental health.  

Young Minds

We also recommend our colleagues at Young Minds. All school staff have received training from Young Minds and we support their charity in fighting for children’s mental health.

Their parent support line is a free, confidential line for any parent or carer concerned about their child or a young person. The phone number is 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm).

Mental Health Team

Our mental health team consists of:

  • Ms Crouch (Headteacher)
  • Mrs McDermott (Mental Health Lead)
  • Miss Newman (SENDCo)
  • Mr Palmer ( Behaviour and Personal Development Lead)
  • Mrs Gibson (ELSA)
  • Ms Dietz (ELSA).

We have several staff who are qualified Mental Health First Aiders. They assist children, staff and parents/carers when mental health issues arise. They provide support and reassurance and help you to seek professional guidance. Our Mental Health First Aiders are:

  • Ms Kaur
  • Mr Kalisa
  • Miss Palmer
  • Mr Lewis


We are a very active school! We have a wide variety of clubs developing children’s physical health and promote active travel to school. In KS1 and KS2 our children learn about how to keep themselves physically healthy during their PE, DT and Science lessons. In EYFS our children learn about keeping themselves physically healthy when they go outside, eat snack, participate in cooking and gardening activities.