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Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to our school. Here at Aldersbrook we are passionate about creating a place of learning which is populated with curious, confident, involved and independent learners for life.

We believe that when learners are curious they ask questions about the world around them and learning becomes a part of their whole life; beyond the walls of the classroom and the school gate. Curiosity builds a love of learning and a drive to discover answers for themselves.

We believe that when children are confident they maintain a voice, they articulately and respectfully speak out; ensuring their opinions are heard and they are thereby increasingly instrumental in their own learning.

We believe that when pupils are involved, they ask questions about what they are learning and why they  are learning. Pupils mix and work alongside a wide range of people and they see their roles and responsibilities in the bigger picture of their local community as well as their world!

We know that when learners are independent they have a greater understanding of what helps them to learn and how they can find strategies to improve. Our Montessori approach to learning in our Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 builds these skills, which are reinforced as children travel through the school.

Our curriculum strives to foster all of these skills in our pupils, starting with our Montessori approach to learning in Early Years and Key Stage 1 and incorporating our innovative curriculum offer including Forest School, the termly ‘Big Question’, ‘Green Fingers’ learning on our school allotment and our termly ‘Curiosity Shop’ options.

In addition to our core values of curiosity, confidence, involvement and independence we also place a high priority on British Values which we value as our own.

We expect all of our learners (myself included) to:

  • Be curious
  • Concentrate
  • Co-operate
  • Have a go
  • Keep improving
  • Persevere and not give up
  • Use their imagination
  • Respect and care for others

We believe these are the ‘keys to success’ and, as such, we ensure that our curriculum provides many opportunities to hone these lifelong skills. We believe that if these skills are developed in all our learners we will be well-equipped to thrive in our ever-changing and challenging world.

Rights and Responsibilities

As a learner at Aldersbook you have the right to make progress and learn in a safe and stimulating place.

We all accept that with rights come responsibilities; everybody who is part of the Aldersbrook community is responsible for contributing to its continual growth and for safeguarding everyone’s wellbeing (physical, social and emotional).

As a parent at Aldersbrook you have the right to expect your child to enjoy their learning and make progress. You also have the right to expect that we will do all we can to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing.

We look forward to working together to ensure that every individual achieves their potential through high expectations for all.

Kindest regards,

Julie Crouch