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Pupil Leadership

At Aldersbrook, we actively promote leadership opportunities for our pupils through various avenues that align with our overarching school vision of "learning and leading." Our approach is rooted in fostering a sense of responsibility and leadership skills from an early age. Click on the links to the right to find out what we offer in more detail. Below are some brief examples of the opportunities we provide to our pupils:

School Parliament: The School Parliament serves as a platform for students to voice their opinions, discuss issues, and actively contribute to decision-making processes - our school parliament are extremely busy! Elected representatives embody democratic principles, linking leadership with active participation and shared responsibility.

Play Ambassadors: Our Play Ambassadors take on leadership roles during break times and lunch times, ensuring a safe and inclusive playground environment. They promote positive play, resolve conflicts, and serve as role models, embodying leadership qualities in fostering a sense of community.

Learning Ambassadors: These ambassadors play a vital role in promoting a positive learning environment. They assist peers, share knowledge, and contribute to a collaborative atmosphere, fostering leadership through a commitment to learning and supporting others. They also produce their own podcasts and pupil newsletters!

Classroom Jobs: All pupils are given responsibilities within their classrooms, such as being a line leader, taking care of resources, beng a part of the clean team or helping their peers. These roles instil a sense of accountability and leadership within the classroom setting.

Shared Responsibility: Our emphasis on shared responsibility encourages students to actively participate in the well-being of the school community. Whether through eco-friendly initiatives, community projects, or supporting school events, our pupils learn the importance of collective leadership.

All of these leadership opportunities tie in seamlessly with our school vision of "learning and leading." By providing diverse avenues for leadership, we empower our pupils to develop essential skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, preparing them to be confident leaders in both their academic and personal development. Click on the links on the right-hand side for more information on their roles and responsibilities.