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At Aldersbrook, PSHE is cross-curricular, engaging and purposeful so that all pupils feel involved and confident in each of the topics and all the skills they are learning. Through our rich and diverse curriculum, we aim to create learners who are independent and challenged to develop their own thoughts, who are aware of British Values and their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural responsibilities. The practical and debated nature of the subject can inspire a curious mind and help to create lifelong independent thinkers as well as encourage them to have the confidence to develop their own knowledge and skills.

The PSHE curriculum at Aldersbrook builds on previous knowledge and skills, allowing children to revisit topics in order to increase understanding and allow them to feel confident about moving on. Each unit is taken from a combination of Government recommendations and an understanding of what our diverse school needs to enable our children to make safe and informed decisions about their life. These skills and knowledge have them been split into learning objectives which follow on from each other in a progressive manner. At the beginning of each unit there is a section on previous learning which covers objectives from previous years. This enables teachers to pre-asses the knowledge and skills the children already have and plug any gaps if necessary. These recaps should ensure the children are confident when they are pushed on and curious to find out more.

At Aldersbrook, we create cross-curricular PSHE lessons in all our subjects across all year groups. We aim to deliver a curriculum that is both proactive and reactive of the needs of the children and the issues that they face in our current society, The curriculum also provides space for the pupils to express their choice and voice and adapt the curriculum to cover some of the things they want to study, building their curiosity.

Have a look at our 'Progression in Skills in PSHE' and other documents below: